God is the Creator of all things. Just because someone doesn’t believe in God doesn’t change the fact that He exists. God not only exists but also sustains all living and non-living things by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:1-4). He is more relevant than the physical things you or I can see because in Him we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28). The most important things that sustain life are invisible and only manifest in the effects they have on the host. Air, for example, is invisible to us but is the most important element to our survival because it carries all the gases essential for life on earth. What would it matter if someone didn’t believe in air? It’s laughable to think of it! No one would ever actually disbelieve the air they breathe does not exist but do have the luxury of not having to think about it due to the over abundance of it all around them.

It’s easy to ignore the most important things that give us life until this stuff begins to deplete. I’ve never met one person who disbelieves the air they breathe exists. There is no thought about it. I have, however, met numerous individuals who say they don’t believe in God. They justify it by the fact that God is silent and unseen. Tell me, do you see all the nutrients in the food you eat? You trust they are there when you consume it. Do you see water give life to the blood in your veins and distribute the nutrients to where they are needed so you can stay alive? You trust with your very life the sciences of what you cannot see with your naked eye. You trust imperfect men and women who tell you the science behind the workings of these things, and you believe it!  Would it make any difference at all if you could see these things at work? No, they would function just the same with or without you having to see or believe. It helps to understand that without this stuff you would become unhealthy or even die. That’s why without thinking twice you inhale, eat a meal, and drink water. You trust your life every day with things you can’t see or control, but they are the most critical contributions to sustaining your life.

In the beginning, God breathed life into this world and continues to make His sun rise on the evil and good and send rain on the just and unjust (Matthew 5:45). God does not need us to believe in Him. How pompous and arrogant of us to think of God needing anything! Deep inside those who reject God’s love, there is found an attitude of bargaining and negotiating with fact and falsehood before the Truth that stands apart. Fact: There is something out there bigger than us. Falsehood: This larger entity has many names, and it’s our choice to define them and worship in the ways we feel comfortable. How confused most groups of people seem in all their searching for the hidden meanings of life. Pursuing mystery after mystery to develop a lasting legacy or to disprove what they so eagerly hope is not true; that the God of the Bible does exist.

There is no other God besides the One True God in three persons; The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Reject Him all you want to. You’re not hurting Him, but yourself. You’re depriving yourself of a wonderful life for the sake of consuming desires that are completely devoid of long-term benefits or sustainability. Only in Christ Jesus can you find solace from the insecurities that keep you ravenous for success in this world. I only ask you this, “where are all the successful men and women of the past?” They are dead and gone to whatever place their choices on earth reserved them in the afterlife — some to everlasting life and some to eternal death. A truth that doesn’t need your belief to be real. A truth that is not a threat, just as it would not be a threat to say that arsenic will kill you over time if you drink it. There is only benefit and health to those who seek the Lord with all their hearts. Set out to prove it for yourself and see if the Lord will not open the windows of heaven to show you His great love.